Humoring in a sentence as a noun

If your blog has "pivots", HN voters should stop humoring you.

People who are humoring her in the comments here are naive beyond any hope.

You'll be surprised at how little time even your best friends will spend humoring your service.

They ARE crazy and harmful to those around them, and humoring them is bad for society.

You said "Pain isn't fun, that's all I'm saying" and while I could tell that was not all you were saying, I was humoring you.

After driving 10 hours she was humoring him as much as possible, but it's pretty clear to anyone.

Some people may not realize that rational folk are just humoring spiritual scam artists when we offer to test them.

" I have no interest in humoring those with such a vain and frankly indefensible perspective.

I think the Chinese audience is enthralled that he is attempting to speak to them in Mandarin and are humoring him- I doubt they understand what he is saying too well.

The article's quotes use plenty of words like "remote chance" or "highly unlikely" which don't seem to drive home the point that its "so nearly close to impossible its not worth humoring".

I was humoring the "seawater greenhouse" as a method of treating non-potable water, pumped from underground briny aquifers.

It comes from humoring a family of grammatical valid but semantically ill-formed questions:What is the purpose of the universe?

Adria's feelings may have been authentic but they are so far away from reasonable or appropriate that I think we're actively harming our community by humoring her.

When you say "performance oriented" what do you mean anyway?But even humoring you here, I would argue that the very, very vast majority of contracts out there are not "performance oriented" and so the point may be moot.

I definitely agree with your point that the singular "they" is, at this point in time, as correct or more correct than the neuter "he".I also totally agree with your point about humoring people who actually care passionately about this — that's precisely my issue with this whole debacle.

Humoring definitions


the act of indulging or gratifying a desire

See also: indulgence indulging pampering