Indulging in a sentence as a noun

I don't doubt their dedication or belief in themselves or the project, but for the love of god, stop indulging this fantasy.

After you have a partner, it is possible that indulging your instincts by seeking even more partners would indeed make you happier.

But that’s as wrong-headed\n as thinking that indulging in a straight diet of passive entertainment carries\n no ill-effects whatsoever.

And they've been found indulging in as many, if not more, monopolistic or questionable business practices as Apple.

Art is ultimately about indulging in a perceptual experience.

All of it...It takes some breathtaking arrogance to think that a good chunk of educated and intelligent people are indulging in pretending to 'get something'.

There is nothing "meritocratic" about indulging male culture to keep a field male-dominated.

Indeed, that's anti-meritocraticI don't see how a blind meritocracy is indulging male culture.

It is left as an exercise for the reader to show how to determine whether the other publisher actually does have a copy, or is indulging in similar behaviour.

Apple innovated and got awarded with becoming the most valuable company in the world with more than 100 billion dollars in the bank with which they can invest further in innovation instead of indulging in petty patent extortion over petty things like the bounceback effect or linking phone numbers in emails to the dialer.

If software is useful, and I build something that makes developing software easier/faster/cheaper/better, why should I be criticized for wasting my time while the guy who uses my stuff to build something else easier/faster/cheaper/better gets lauded?To me, this is like praising a farmer for feeding the world while criticizing the company who builds his tractors for indulging in self-pleasure.

Indulging definitions


the act of indulging or gratifying a desire

See also: indulgence pampering humoring