Polygon in a sentence as a noun

We made it work by approximating where the foreground elements should "sort in" to the background polygon layers.

It is very, very difficult to do that in real-time even with standard geometry, let alone with 10^4x more polygons.

The 700K figure was done by rendering polygon files to textures and using them as lookup tables - it ran pretty fast on the CPU so its not all the GPU there.

I parsed the street/polygon geometry from OSM and tied it together with Leaflet and then added lots of nitpicky extra design choices in JS.

> meaning if it can't push 100 million polygons at 1080p it will never get great adoptionIf you look at the Wii sales, you'll notice polygon pushing does not equate sales or profits.

All the shaders I've seen are "local," in the sense that they only have access to the interpolated vertex data for their polygon, plus whatever uniforms have been set. It seems to me that things like caustics would require non-local information.

Using partial indexes, we carved up the country into a bunch of polygons and were able to frame the question as "how many doctors are in San Francisco in polygon 34?".

Yes, this results in less than ideal environments, yes if an engineer designed the world there would be less polygon popping, better cache utilization, better hidden loading times, etc., but you would get a video game.

Polygon definitions


a closed plane figure bounded by straight sides