Humbly in a sentence as an adverb

I humbly submit that you haven't been driving the right cars.

Meanwhile, I suggest we humbly mind our own business.

I humbly disagree. Lets focus on one point.

Though he humbly suggests the opposite, this is a great example of how to deal with a crisis

Stripe" and "Square" and "Paypal" are great names, but "Braintree" seems to be doing pretty well too, and if "Braintree" is OK, I humbly suggest that "Mindweasel" and "Thoughtpants" will work too. This is a good post.

> I would humbly suggest you rethink what the term "power user" means. You are confusing "power user" with "data hoarder".

A humbly apologetic post would've been a better goodwill gesture. High five each other in private.

So I humbly ask, could anyone please give me an objective argument for this point to understand if there's actually still any merit to it?

Imgur's founder saw a very clear need, and humbly pointed redditors to it. It took off because it was amazing in its simplicity and sincerity.

I humbly suggest that many people that share this worldview and attempted to execute based on it have failed. This advice is as worthwhile as 'lean startup advice': there are no guarantees, it depends on many factors and most will fail.

I humbly submit that it's not OK to be a sociopath in the service of a corporation, just because legally corporations are allowed to be sociopaths. People are just people, and should use their consciences.

Everybody bounced their ideas off someone; even the smartest guy in the office humbly asked for advice and meant it. Everyone was quick to assume that if other people thought their code was confusing, then it probably was.

I'd like to humbly request that popular science articles geared toward the general public refrain from using the word "theory" in the non-scientific sense. This article even includes the phrase "only a theory"!

If I might humbly disagree: The only thing you need to do to sell consulting engagements is to sell consulting engagements. There is no licensing department, no exam, and no Client Cabal which requires that you be blessed by a gatekeeper prior to doing this.

> I'd humbly suggest that you enumerate the "common errors" in the presentation. That money exists to serve as an improved barter good, rather than barter being a degenerate form of trade that exists mostly in the rare cases when credit is impractical.

I would humbly suggest that static site generators are not nearly as popular as you might think if you only view the CMS market through the eyes of the HN crowd. SSGs are hugely popular among nerds and practically unknown among everybody else.

I would humbly suggest you rethink what the term "power user" means. Even my parents have saturated their 256GB home computer drive with pictures and videos of their grandkids and nieces and nephews as well as various old time radio programs and old movies courtesy of archive.

Next time somebody makes a hard business decision and you hear about it on HN and come out, irony guns blazing, may I humbly suggest you read more than the subject line written by the unrelated HN submitter? As for any poor silent, lurkers who wonder if this is how they will be treated if they -- gasp!

If you're doing a try/except Exception nested inside another except Exception then I would humbly suggest that you really need to think about refactoring and restructuring. Also, anywhere that you see a repeating pattern, you might be better off wrapping it in a function or method rather than typing it out each time.

I humbly consider it a success because, at 23 years old, I've been able to delegate the everyday stuff to a hired developer/support tech, take a nice salary, and do my PhD in Cognitive Psychology!

At the point where you're arguing about how to refer to the color of the hair on one of your "graphemes", may I humbly suggest that the goal of creating a complete global encoding scheme is apparently done and the committee ought to disband. Unicode has apparently ceased being about being a universal encoding for human text and expanded its mission into becoming a universal icon catalog.

Humbly definitions


in a humble manner; "he humbly lowered his head"

See also: meekly


in a miserly manner; "they lived meanly and without ostentation"

See also: meanly