Meekly in a sentence as an adverb

I can't imagine that they'll just meekly accept this.

Surely decent human beings don't meekly sit back and let bullying happen like that?

Who decided to meekly comply rather than taking a stand? Name names.

Key: unlike tourists who I often see will peep in through the window meekly and respond to the request of "where are you going", when the car stops, just get in. You talk to the driver once inside.

I can not believe how painful it is to develop on Microsoft tooling, and how meekly people accept it as the way it is. I don't like having my time wasted.

Resident hustler roommate had a talk with them and they meekly knocked down a wall to make things right, and gave us a discount. Hustling has a very different set of skills than hacking.

I say meekly to the man sitting in front of me: "Excuse me, are you able to connect to the WiFi?" Him: "Yep." Me: "That's strange, I'm able to connect, but I can't get any web pages to load."

Before the unfortunate listened would have to nod pollitely and meekly suggest, well I'm sur they're jusy looking out for us. I doubt many will end up seeing iy that way.

Hopefully I can find a good middle ground between meekly watching people march down the wrong road, and shouting about crack pipes... I haven't found it yet, though.

It's not like the country would have meekly gone home to lick its wounds, had the nasty Americans only left them alone. Remember the war started because of Japan's imperialistic dreams in SE Asia.

When you start, do you join in objectifying women with your co-workers, do you meekly avoid the issue, or do you confront it? The degree to which you have privilege is the degree to which you make yourself an ally of the patriarchy.

This is an attempt to compensate for people's natural instinct to meekly obey unjust laws, and to bring out societal and eventually legal change. Snowden is not saying that government secrecy laws are unjust.

A couple of days later, we got an email from a college student in Puerto Rico who meekly asked us to take a look at his GitHub. He had some stuff there that looked cool, and more than anything, we needed to hire a frontend engineer. So, we gave him a 24-hour coding quiz, he passed it, we gave him a round of phone interviews, and he passed that too.

But whatever you do, don't go near John, because I hear he gets upset over cartoons and he might react violently rather than meekly accepting punishment like a good Christian. If you're sick of the political correctness and need a good laugh, watch this short piece by British aethist comedian Pat Condell, 'How gay is Islam?'

I was afraid to stand up for myself and ended up meekly accepting my employer's BS about how there wasn't money in the budget for raises, but they liked me so much and valued my work and can I please work just a little more unpaid overtime? I gave away hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of salary for nothing more than a smile and a thank you.

I am neither sure that Aaron Swartz intended to engage in civil disobedience, nor am I sure that meekly accepting the state-imposed punishment is a necessary component of civil disobedience.

In short, the US is swiftly becoming a 3rd world country when it comes to equality of income and fairness of justice, and this is especially the case if someone like Aaron Swartz is looking to really rock the boat they become the examples hung in plaza so everyone else meekly complies.

Meekly definitions


in a submissive or spiritless manner; "meekly bowed to his wishes"


in a humble manner; "he humbly lowered his head"

See also: humbly