Hijack in a sentence as a noun

Make the collar hijack any wifi devices it can and use their CPUs to mine dogecoin2.

I don't mean to hijack this thread, but felt that I needed to out my project sometime.

I'm really fed up of sites like this that hijack scrolling, it prevents you from skim reading.

They do not hint what they were going to do with it once they had hijacked the nameservers, and I will not theorize.

I want to hijack this discussion to bring up a personal gripe I have about this all being called "leadership".

Just a random offer, I don't mean to hijack the thread - I do electronics and robotics design for a living.

For example, someone mailed us essentially asking why we’d let this Stripe organisation hijack our site.

Hijack in a sentence as a verb

Hopefully this isn't considered too much of a hijack, but while NetBSD on topic I'd really like to recommend taking a look at their support for "rump kernels".

I really like Hadi's criticism of OO, and in fact I would like to hijack it and take it a few steps further, to paint what in my mind is a more realistic picture.

You drop it aside a seemingly reasonable argument so that you can later hijack the entire conversation to talk about what you really wanted to.

It's refreshing to see that all this buzz was the result of a glorious postal mishap, not a concerted effort to hijack our attention with a viral marketing stunt.

"After Allegra released JailbreakMe 2 last year, Apple upped its game another notch, randomizing the location of code in memory so that hackers cant even locate commands to hijack them.

HTP would not have access to modify the zone directly through the registrar and would instead have to hijack the entire domain with a working, completely-transferred zone on their own nameservers.

It's also important to grapple with the psychological factors that hijack your executive function in the first place, but if a few minutes of fluffy reading can do the trick for right now, there's no reason to say no to it.

Hijack definitions


seizure of a vehicle in transit either to rob it or divert it to an alternate destination

See also: highjack


take arbitrarily or by force; "The Cubans commandeered the plane and flew it to Miami"

See also: commandeer highjack pirate


seize control of; "they hijacked the judicial process"