Commandeer in a sentence as a verb

I worked in IT around '96 and was lucky enough to commandeer a 21" 1600x1200 CRT at that time.

If it needs to "initialize" anything, it will have to commandeer the CPU by creatively rewriting memory that is in use.

It's not like a single individual can commandeer the entire mining army without fear of repercussion.

Or, if you want to commandeer someone's apartment for a XXX sex fest, you start off by AirBnb'ing legitimately a few times to get a positive rating.

Wouldn't it still have been better to use a different command name rather than commandeer one that has established expected behavior?

But, it looks like if the police commandeer your property, they do in fact have a responsibility to compensate you, a la eminent domain.

"Now that we have a bunch of money-hungry developers, it'd be pretty easy to de-rail or commandeer projects simply by donating a large portion of money.

I also see and give a lot of academic presentations, and I'm not aware of any venue that encourages someone from the audience to commandeer a talk.

It seems Goldman Sachs attempted to commandeer the criminal justice system to retaliate against a former employee, and succeeded in doing so. It is not in the jurisdiction of police to act as arbiters of employment disputes -- that is for the civil court system.

There's the potential to completely commandeer our cellular network or worse to silently use it as a method to ease drop on conversations from government or business executives.

Most intelligent people understand very quickly that it isn't their technical ability that will make them wealthy, but the ability to commandeer the technical ability of others at the lowest possible price.

The dream of VR enabling and enhancing these communications has just taken a major step backwards with the least trustworthy name in communication swooping in to commandeer the intellectual property associated with the most promising of these technologies.

This attempt to redefine the well-understood term "racism" into "something only white people can do" is a shameful maneuver to commandeer the societal reserves of moral outrage rightfully reserved for use against racial hatred, and redirect them so that racists who hate white people are immune.

If Iran can commandeer a US military drone, I think that this system is a waste of money.- An EMP would wipe-out unprotected electronics easily- Targeted energy weapons could fry sensors or the whole ship\n- The frequencies it uses can be jammed- A Barrett .50, on the ground or out of a helicopter, could vaporize one of these- A seemingly normal airplane could "accidentally" ram it- A similar airplane could use a net and capture it, leaving no evidence- ****, if it flies high enough, its onboard GPS device might self-deactivate due to US law.

Commandeer definitions


take arbitrarily or by force; "The Cubans commandeered the plane and flew it to Miami"

See also: hijack highjack pirate