Half-wit in a sentence as a noun

But the half-wit remains a half-wit, and the emperor remains an emperor.

"It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes.

Sometimes a determined half-wit can beat the pants off a high-minded academic even with inferior technology.

Show me an absolute monarchy that stays a good place for more than a generation or two - long enough for the good king to die and his half-wit nephew to take over - and I might give you that one, too.

The entire context of tech journalism shifts from reporting the facts to reporting on them reporting and before you know it every half-wit tech blogger has their own column where they endow the world with their opinion of things.

Can't stand that aggressive style of interviewing myself, especially because now every half-wit newsreader thinks they're the next Paxman by interrupting the interviewee every 5 seconds.

The impression it gave me is that the entire education hierarchy, bar possibly some universities, is a place where the utterly incompetent, half-wit politicians in society can embed themselves and clamber over each other to reach a good public sector state pension.

Half-wit definitions


a person of subnormal intelligence

See also: idiot imbecile cretin moron changeling retard


a stupid incompetent person

See also: dimwit nitwit doofus