Moron in a sentence as a noun

That judge with the dissent - what a moron.

There is a smart way to do this and not be a complete moron like the author.

Now I get to argue like a moron because it is a polarizing topic!

The point is not the one moron who does it; the point is having herself to escalate the issue to HR.

Naturally, that person is a moron and needs to be told so, preferably by turning his own trick against him and tearing his comment apart.

And if they don't do due diligence, **** them... what kind of moron trusts the ******* NSA?As for counter-hacking, sooner or later the law is going to have to address it.

I have to be, because I'm not good-looking enough to get away with being a moron who doesn't always know what to do next, who actually has to think when he writes code.

I believe in Free Software so much that I will use nothing else, and publicly and harshly declare that anyone doing otherwise is a moron and a traitor to the future of humanity"?

And some of it was always going to go back to the founders because Meg Whitman is a ******* moron -- she not only bought a company without buying the backing tech, but then proceeded to **** over the founders, screwing them on over $1B, who retained ownership over the backing tech.

Moron definitions


a person of subnormal intelligence

See also: idiot imbecile cretin changeling half-wit retard


a city in Argentina, to the west of Buenos Aires

See also: Moron