Guts in a sentence as a noun

At least one has to give them a credit that they had guts to admit it.

Cry with happiness when "Dear Leader" drives, but curse his guts in their head?

If you downvoted this, at least you can have the guts to explain why?

The problem with SQL is it seems everyone hates its guts.

I wouldn't have the ability and guts to do what he has done and I praise him for it.

"Read that," and that's how my introduction to the guts of operating systems began.

It is called activism, and is a very brave and noble thing to do, something most people don't have the guts for.

Faced with a hiring war with 2005 era Jobs you'd have to have serious guts to refuse - like apparently the Palm CEO did.

When the picture on their 50-inch box television started flickering, Mike took off the back panel and found the guts throbbing with ants.

It takes guts to broadcast or publish something like that about yourself on the internet and face the music, as is apparent by some of the responses here and on Youtube.

The guts are substantially different and seemingly more sophisticated.

I don't know many people who would have the guts to stand up to a company, especially after what she's been through, both from the original incident and AirBnB's response after her initial blog post.

However it arguably makes some sense for them, relative to other game companies, because they've been particularly identified with the "genius hacks to make stuff work" aura, and every source release produces a new wave of discoveries/press about crazy things id did in the guts of one of their engines, which solidifies that reputation.

HTC has grown 3x every year for the past 2 years because of Android, and Samsung has become the largest smartphone manufacturer surpassing both Nokia and Apple thanks to Android, and they say nothing against Microsoft or try to protect the ecosystem that's been feeding them?Shame on them for not standing up to Microsoft, and kudos to B&N, which wasn't even a manufacturer not too long ago, for having the guts to stand up Microsoft and protect the Android ecosystem.

Guts definitions


fortitude and determination; "he didn't have the guts to try it"

See also: backbone grit moxie sand gumption