Grit in a sentence as a noun

Think of it like sharpening an old, abused, rusty knife: you don't go right for the fine grit.

First, you grind it down, then successively apply finer grits.

Elon = grit, as an entrepreneur when i have dark times, i'll read about him to get amped.

Grit in a sentence as a verb

I imagine that at one point there were people opposed to high-level languages like C because they abstracted you away from the raw nit and grit.

I think adults seriously overestimate most kids' sense of long-term planning, commitment, self-awareness and grit.

Grit definitions


a hard coarse-grained siliceous sandstone

See also: gritrock gritstone


fortitude and determination; "he didn't have the guts to try it"

See also: backbone guts moxie sand gumption


cover with a grit; "grit roads"


clench together; "grit one's teeth"