Graininess in a sentence as a noun

The article text above it and graininess of the photos really seemed to make them from 1980 :/

Listen for "graininess" in the 8 bit undithered sound as the voice gets quieter.

The standard variant is pretty close to whole milk in taste/texture, although it has a slight "graininess" to it.

If you try to get more speed, graininess usually increases and/or resolution decreases, etc.

You see the effect when taking a low light photo, the graininess is from the SNR being very low while the noise is showing through.

I'll take the VHS/Betamax era porn, with all its schlock and graininess, over the PornHub era any day, thank you very much.

More photons = longer rendering time, so the graininess is in the end probably caused by a time constraint enforced for each of the images.

In reality I selected the picture literally only for its graininess.

That said, all of these renderers employ "tricks" to reduce the graininess that can make it practically impossible to remove whatever graininess slips through.

ISO 100 is a bit more flexible and ISO 400 used to be considered a "fast" film for situations where more graininess would be acceptable in exchange for low light situations.

We use a lot of contextual information to try to figure that out: not only B&W/color but also graininess, hair/clothing styles, architectural clues, etc.

The middle one looks noisier than the other two. I notice the one on the left has darker color in dresser which may be an advantage of correct, color handing but might be incorrect with one on right being brighter due to the correct handing of window's light on it. And what's up with the graininess of all of them?Just a few things that popped into my mind looking at them.

The full black/white is to "cleanse" --- since the material itself is stateful, pixels will drift slightly after several writes and cause ghosting/graininess if you don't eventually reset them all to a known state.

>never realised what Selective Gaussian Blur was really useful forThis is probably the filter I use most - basically it smooths colours that are close positionally and colourwise to avoid graininess.

It's possible to do path tracing at interactive frame-rates on modern hardware; some of the optimizations can include not doing very many samples per pixel but to rely on denoising algorithms that can take advantage of the redundancy inherent in the image to smooth out the graininess of course global illumination effects.

Graininess definitions


the quality of being composed of relatively large particles

See also: coarseness granularity