Granularity in a sentence as a noun

The point is: Mt. Gox is not tracking their bitcoin at the correct granularity.

* What's the correct granularity for a ticket?

Especially strict ones that provide enough granularity to see 5 hours of break time/wk.

"colour"-people: and why cannot we have the same level of granularity?Uniword: because you have too many words!!!

Both are important, and those companies make so much money using free software, they shouldn't be choosing the projects with that fine granularity.

There would be a lot of small-granularity dependency information that wouldn't be available but some of it could be inferred.

There are benefits to having data that's shared at a granularity finer than whole-object GET and PUT, with familiar permissions and ACLs.

But "Take the recent Linux arguments about the HardLocks code that is giving Linux trouble with multi-processor granularity"?

If you want to test at a granularity of "user", a website often has to put most of its active population into the test, before collecting enough data to know which version was good.

True, everything written demonstrates the different level of granularity of modularity between the Ara and the Pro.

For what it's worth, we're in the process of implementing a feature that would allow you to specify the re-rendering granularity in the template itself, but we don't want it to be heavily used by end-users.

This is a pain point for me because HipChat's permissions granularity is really bad: my organization gives everybody admin access so we can configure API tokens, emoticons, etc.

I agree with the general point that you might be over-smoothing if you graph data with large window sizes, but you don't have to change the units on the graph as well, and probably shouldn't, since "Mbit per half second" is a confusingly nonstandard unit--- the units of measurement and the granularity of measurement don't have to be tied.

Granularity definitions


the quality of being composed of relatively large particles

See also: coarseness graininess