Graceful in a sentence as an adjective

But the graceful thing to do when you're right is not to curb-stomp those who were wrong.

Can your system tolerate that kind of a crash in a graceful way?

> It's always a good idea to have your site degrade gracefully.

My execution of the message I am trying to convey is not graceful.

With these kinds of games I really surprised Zynga didn't provide a more graceful wind down.

I now feel very bad, because I can see why he feels FUD'd. I'm having a bad week, so I don't communicate this very gracefully.

If you want your users to be able to access your site on-the-go, graceful degradation is your friend.

Certain chord combinations are never very graceful and are a good recipe for tendon strain.

Lots of the Web does not do graceful degradation to fully functional sites without JS.

[0]There are very few sites that cannot gracefully downgrade to at least some degree, and there are very good reasons for doing so.

But there is something to be said for smiling, a few kind words, and then ... graceful evasion of everything else when you want to do real work.

Having a long graceful transition period for our users would have been great but for reasons that we could not control Fridge as it currently stands had to be shut down quickly.

Our problem was that deploying configuration changes which required a graceful restart under production traffic levels didn't work very well.

If somebody is obligated to be graceful and persuasive here, surely that's Eich, who started this out by doing something a lot of his employees find obviously hostile.

Graceful definitions


characterized by beauty of movement, style, form, or execution


suggesting taste, ease, and wealth

See also: elegant refined