Elegant in a sentence as an adjective

But I have no stake in wanting to do any of this the clunky way if there is a simple and elegant way at hand.

The constraints are what breed elegance; there is no such thing as an elegant solution when there is no shape to the problem.

I saw clear examples of elegant APIs as well as horrific monstrosities.

Persona is an elegant, powerful idea that is 100% in the users interest.

"Using the Economist house style offers an elegant alternative, wherein virtually all people and organizations are identified explicitly, no matter how prominent.

Elegant definitions


refined and tasteful in appearance or behavior or style; "elegant handwriting"; "an elegant dark suit"; "she was elegant to her fingertips"; "small churches with elegant white spires"; "an elegant mathematical solution--simple and precise and lucid"


suggesting taste, ease, and wealth

See also: graceful refined


displaying effortless beauty and simplicity in movement or execution; "an elegant dancer"; "an elegant mathematical solution -- simple and precise"