Furrowed in a sentence as an adjective

I furrowed my brow at that, too, but then I realized what I think he meant.

The driver furrowed his brows and said flatly "no there's not", much to their delight.

And if it were someone else's creation, there's a good chance that I'd look at it with furrowed brows as well.

">Akon furrowed his brow ->"But my lord," said the Ship's Confessor, "do we really know what we think we know?

Instead of something like eye movement, think something more subtle, like a person's brow being furrowed.

> Why is this getting downvoted?You might as well ask why dogs bark or puzzle with furrowed brow over the croaking of frogs.

Try reading that sentence in a standoffish tone with furrowed eyebrows while scoffing at the author.

The word "toxin" has become a signal for pseudoscientific medicine, so I also furrowed my brow at that.

I imagine a sea of furrowed brows aimed at those showing up to conferences wearing a Hacktoberfest shirt.

A ternary operator usually yields furrowed eyebrows for a few seconds.

Whenever I find my heart beating a little harder and my brow a little furrowed, I try to relax, and take a deep breath, and see what it is within me which resonates so strongly against the error that I have seen.

> [Freud] had to return to check his results later in the year, he chanced upon a pair of furrowed organs, hidden away in the abdominal cavity, which he identified as the much-sought-after ****** of a male.

The determined feeling of tackling a problem doesn't resemble happiness - it happens with more of a furrowed brow - but I don't think it's "unhappiness" either, which I would put alongside apathy in similarity.

It's as if as soon as you can't chow down chocolate icecream for breakfast every day without feeling lethargic and gaining weight, or drink a bottle of vodka one night and get up the next day and run a half marathon you're "getting old".It's like you have a hot second from the time you are legally your own person and can make your own decisions until suddenly you are "getting old" and you are supposed to spend the rest of your life regretting all the things you didn't do "in your youth" because you are 27 and your brow is slightly furrowed... what the ****?

Furrowed definitions


having long narrow shallow depressions (as grooves or wrinkles) in the surface; "furrowed fields"; "his furrowed face lit by a warming smile"

See also: rugged