Bark in a sentence as a noun

It has discolorations on \n some of the leaves and the bark is much looser than \n normal.

The smell of the root/bark is great, but the concentration/taste of the brewed liquid is very difficult to gauge.

You can train them to bark if they see a car, and then use that to detect cars, but you can also train them to retrieve a ball.

-- Scott McKay#Arguing that Java is better than C++ is like arguing that grasshoppers taste better than tree bark.

Let's leave off that 'risk' part, as the risk is already inherent when you bark up wrong trees throughout the investigation.

A hundred trees are not a hundred trees--each one is a new experience, with different patterns in its bark and different rustling in its leaves.

..Dogs that bark angrily and/or jump up on me frighten me .. .. find a host for me that has a friendly parrot.. ..DON'T buy a parrot figuring that it will be a fun surprise for me.

Bark in a sentence as a verb

Get the wrong officer, and they will interpret the **** on your floor as "residue" and call in a drug dog; police drug dogs are scams --- the police can get them to bark any time they want.

Compare this to the UK government's small-dog-loud-bark assertion that Snowden "is not welcome here... you know, just in case he was thinking about coming..." and the relative certainty that he would have been arrested instantly upon arrival here.

And no comparison to a pet who, while needing walking and might bark occasionally, or get attention from co workers, can sit for hours and do nothing and not make any demands.

Worse, from what I recall there are actual scientific studies out there demonstrating that many of these dogs do indeed bark when their handler thinks there are ***** rather than when they actually smell them.

On the other hand, I guess they did not know/had not rediscovered tanning, because> A couple of kettles served them well for many years, but when rust finally overcame them, the only replacements they could fashion came from birch bark.

Not everyone agrees with this, but, here goes:When I was in college, I was taught OOP in Java via the obligatory inheritance examples: "So we have an Mammal class which has a 'walk' method, and then we have Cat and Dog classes which inherit from Animal, and have 'meow' and 'bark' methods.

One thing that people often remark on is how they're often in the middle of nowhere, but when they were built they were often in clearings in dense forests, but over time as we domesticated animals that would feed on the bark, killing the trees, then eat the new shoots, over many centuries - millennia - we deforested, for example the moors, and the megalithic sites became elegant monuments to a forgotten age, standing proud against a bleak landscape.

Bark definitions


tough protective covering of the woody stems and roots of trees and other woody plants


a noise resembling the bark of a dog


a sailing ship with 3 (or more) masts

See also: barque


the sound made by a dog


speak in an unfriendly tone; "She barked into the dictaphone"


cover with bark


remove the bark of a tree

See also: skin


make barking sounds; "The dogs barked at the stranger"


tan (a skin) with bark tannins