Frown in a sentence as a noun

" Tom eyed him with a frown, waiting a couple of seconds before replying.

They should be mature enough to be able to handle their personal lives without bans or frown upons.

It can make people smile, frown or feel indifferent, as can many other words in the dictionary.

We support non-programmers and non-experts, and we mostly frown upon people who attack newbies.

You can almost hear the disappointing frown on her face, as if she's saying "sigh I guess I'm going to have to plot a new course since you're obviously not smart enough to stay on the one I made for you.

Frown in a sentence as a verb

Also, allow me to point you to the HN guidelines that specifically frown on these particular behaviors:Resist complaining about being downmodded.

A lot of the reason for the downturn in usage, sadly, is probably due to the fact that every ad, every sponsored story and sponsored "like" is adding to a signal/noise ratio that will make people frown.

A lot of the reason for the downturn in usage/usability, sadly, is probably due to the fact that every ad, every sponsored story and sponsored "like" is adding to a signal/noise ratio that will make people frown.

I don't know about psychological literature, but in common usage where I'm from, "guilt" is what you feel when you know you've done something you shouldn't, whereas "shame" is what you feel when you believe others either do or will frown on something.

Frown definitions


a facial expression of dislike or displeasure

See also: scowl


look angry or sullen, wrinkle one's forehead, as if to signal disapproval

See also: glower lour lower