Scowl in a sentence as a noun

I scowl fiercely and curse a blue streak when I'm coding.

I think graduate school has given me a permanent scowl.

I'd also want a screen to pull down over my mouth to hide my scowl and show a smile.

If you can give me one example, I won't scowl at the fact that 6 other people downvoted me without saying why.

If you wish to communicate, I thought it was a bad movie, you cannot scowl and say, Typical hollywood tripe.

Reading his essays would be worth the time of a lot of young programmers, if only to learn why old people scowl at their newfangled gizmos.

Scowl in a sentence as a verb

Meh, read the comments on my blog and think for yourself instead taking some collectively-generated number as an indicator of whether you should scowl at me or not.

They're everywhere now, usually with a scowl on their face and usually dealing with people in a manner that would be considered very brusque and impolite anywhere in the West.

Forget God -- a belief in any transcendent property or existence or even a rejection of pure reductionism is typically greeted with a scowl and an argument which boils down to "Come on.

While the occasional demonstration of witwill evoke no more than a scowl and shake of the head from the community, more regular use will draw a barrage of down votes and risk the possibility of banishment.

Elegant, simple, obvious syntax like Python that is suitable for beginners makes programmers scowl: to the point that they would like to require users to learn a new non-obvious meaning for a semicolon, and put it at the end of each and every instruction they write.

Scowl definitions


a facial expression of dislike or displeasure

See also: frown


frown with displeasure