Fighter in a sentence as a noun

He was a fighter, he was stubborn, he was young, and some say he took his own life.

Think of a heads-up display for a fighter pilot.

She's an iconic fighter for Openness - goes on Spanish hack camps with 14-year olds.

Train all our lives as a knife fighter, so we, too, can take dumb risks and be lucky enough to not get killed doing so?

Modern fighters only have a combat radius of ~300-350mi before they have to turn around and go home.

> Isn't the whole idea of manned fighter jets antiquated?Probably not for quite awhile.

Whether the CEO is a fighter pilot or not should be immaterial to purchasing an MTA.

After having the F-16 shoved down their throats by Boyd, they again gold-plated the design and the resulting fighter was nothing like the prototype.

What is worse is all these "You can be anything" dreams start becoming undeniably impossible, like being a fighter pilot or competing in the Olympics.

Imagine if the US Army wouldn't divulge the capabilities of a new fighter jet to the very people who were authorizing the money for its construction.

If I am a boxing manager sitting at the corner of the ring to encourage my guy during the fight, I don't do him a good service by leaping into it and taking wild swings at the opposing fighter, or at the ref, or at any crazy person from the crowd who also happens to want to jump in spoiling for a brawl.

"Sun Tzu said: The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy.\nTo secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.\n[...]\nHence the skillful fighter puts himself into a position which makes defeat impossible, and does not miss the moment for defeating the enemy.

Fighter definitions


someone who fights (or is fighting)

See also: combatant battler belligerent scrapper


a high-speed military or naval airplane designed to destroy enemy aircraft in the air


someone who fights for a cause

See also: champion hero paladin