Paladin in a sentence as a noun

Probably just those who think Blizzard invented the word paladin.

Your level 60 paladin is now the same as anyone elses level 60 paladin.

Being a paladin is all well and fine, but it keeps you from actually benefiting mankind sometimes.

Likewise "paladin" fits somewhere in a medieval warfare context, but can I define it?

" In terms of things that actually make a positive difference in the world, it's right up there with "that breastplate I want for my Warcraft paladin won't drop.

It evokes the mythical imagery of the paladin, whose surcoat is clean and white because he is so pure and uncorrupted.

The "star wars" effect is we used to have emperors and knights in shining armor and mage/paladin wannabe types and castles and long choreographed sword fights so I'm sure the future will have them too.

Paladin definitions


someone who fights for a cause

See also: champion fighter hero