Scrapper in a sentence as a noun

Just figured it's a scrapper of some sort.. looks cool.

PCT is scrapper with a pretty UI for the most part.

Working on site scrapper is something I love a lot.

Send the data back to your scrapper processing API.

So all of Google News is a scraper site and any other summery given is a scrapper site then.

My sites get scraped all the time and if you look at these scrapper sites, they usually are not scrapping just one site.

I created a news aggregator completely based on a python scrapper.

: s/scrapper/scraper/Also, the site is most likely a legitimate Google site in India.

We have done our best to support as many websites as possible but it is not a surprise that our scrapper is not perfect yet.

Very cool, but that building at 3 stories is no sky-scrapper and having plants grow on it is actually reasonable.

The scrapper is set to crawl reddit once every 12 hours for new "top monthly iamas".Very good suggestion for nested threads.

One man's "scrapper" is another man's "aggregator".How do you think Google would view my site if I wrapped Wikipedia's content, with back link and ran my own ads alongside that content?

Scrapper definitions


someone who fights (or is fighting)

See also: combatant battler belligerent fighter