Fairyland in a sentence as a noun

But fairyland schemes to force people to pay more than wages are worth, and force people to work less hours than they want? Hello, central planning.

I've got a bridge decorated with pink unicorn running in fairyland to sell you.

Is there some magical fairyland place on the Internet better than here for discussion?

This is the real-world, not high-self-esteem fairyland. Negative feedback/reactions are often the most useful kind.

People who have a steady diet of playing these violent games may come to see the world as a hostile and violent place What type of fairyland is Bushman living in? The world IS in fact a violent and hostile place.

More pitiful, ******** statistics out of BTC fairyland. PayPal currently processes 100 times as many transactions in a day as the Bitcoin network.

And I mean, actually won't occur, not a handwaving fairyland theory about how it might not occur, but an actual process that will produce real engineering results in the real world. The incentive mismatch in government goes all the way to the top.

Right now it's pegged somewhere around "you've got as many problems as the rest of us" where before ~y2k we thought the US was some sort of magical fairyland where everything was made of candy.

If you don't absolutely love your job, quit" is a great sentiment if you live in a utopian fairyland where you can comfortably support yourself knitting sweaters or playing video games or whatever it is you might love to do. In the real world, it's insultingly naive.

> The event's venue, a luxury hotel in Big Sur, California, will include a custom-made fairyland-like setting with fake ruins, bridges, ponds, and a gated cottage Sad to see that SV billionaires suffer from the same kitsch-mania as do the Russian oil oligarchs.

Fairyland definitions


something existing solely in the imagination (but often mistaken for reality)


the enchanted realm of fairies

See also: faerie faery