Faery in a sentence as a noun

Up next -- "Tooth faery theory banned from dental schools".

I doubt it traces back to gifts from faery god mothers. Then there are such questions as where did they get the ships built?

I doubt it traces back to gifts from faery god mothers. I'm sure they got the money from obscenely well paid bankers.

My grandfather is a paraplegic, and man how much I hope this isn't just faery dust.

Probably the same as any fable or faery tale. It presents the idea that people are a product of their environment, which is a fairly easy concept to believe.

I rather just use some old electribes than some Google Synth that looks like it was was painted with faery entrails. I could see some burning man people using this or like rich noise musicians in the mission or something.

Capitalism is not a magical faery solution to everything, it obviously was not working in this industry so they are trying someone new.

> Capitalism is not a magical faery solution to everything, I completely agree, but the solution to that is not granting guaranteed profits to an industry. They are already granted a monopoly market with copyright.

The essay may be as personal as a toupee or as austere and sublime as a Himalayan peak; it may be as light as the foam on faery seas or erudite as the disquisitions of him whose "... words of learned length and thundering sound amaz'd the gazing rustics rang'd around'; it may be fun or the prickliest sort of intellectual stimulation; its ideas may be straws which build bridges or rugged ores polished to the texture of satin.

Faery definitions


a small being, human in form, playful and having magical powers

See also: fairy faerie sprite


the enchanted realm of fairies

See also: fairyland faerie