Faerie in a sentence as a noun

In that case the faerie dance is more like a kabuki dance.

There isn't any magic faerie dust to make it happen. 30% of their content has it now with a projected 80% by years end.

I'm just saying it's not some magic faerie dust that solves all your problems. It's just another piece of the puzzle.

This is pure faerie-dust self-aggrandizement. If you want to make these assertions, you can prove them.

You want a party of magic faerie unicorns to come along and set everything aright. Er, well, good luck with that.

One aspect of both legend and folklore that stuck out was the use of "cold iron" to break faerie magic, even to burn the creatures of faerie, or to stand against sorcery. Why iron?

They also think faeries are real despite us saying they aren't - their older cousin likes to play "faerie" pranks when she visits. They think we think they aren't real because, since we don't think faeries are real, they never interact with us.

Motivational speaker Matt Foley doesn’t have a string of solar-powered faerie lights adorning his collapsible breakfast nook. He has a clattering drift of beer cans that he can gather up around him for warmth.

These are more words by Hollande: some more little faerie dust to dodge and delay discussing the real issue. Most notably: public spending representing 56% of the GDP and the private sector being taxed like crazy and which, hence, keeps shrinking and shrinking.

It's faerie logic. The behaviours are mere trends and observations, not underlaying truth. The faeries reward you for offering them fruit.

For one thing its 'faerie' is too lavish, and fantastical, incoherent and repetitive. For another and more important thing: it is involved in, and explicitly contains the Christian religion And here's what you missed: > Do not laugh!

For one thing its 'faerie' is too lavish, and fantastical, incoherent and repetitive. For another and more important thing: it is involved in, and explicitly contains the Christian religion.

However, even with formally composable languages like JavaScript, a semblance of unpredictability — akin to the "faerie logic" metaphor — still persists. Languages evolve over time; Python, for instance, with its various imports that constantly disrupt my code, serves as a good example.

Worse, its top down thinking which focuses on central planning, without even touching on all the failures that occur in such systems and ignores who actually sets prices in a distributed economy, ignoring how the more accurate calculation for inflation says its much worse than 10%, and tries to sprinkle faerie dust to make it seem like you've had it all wrong and these aren't the droids your looking for. Magical thinking at its best, and completely lacks basis because it rests on flawed assumptions.

Even with formally composable languages like JavaScript, a semblance of unpredictability — akin to the "faerie logic" metaphor — still persists And they're ridiculed for it, and as you state, we design around them or replace such systems entirely. making continual interaction with them unavoidable Technology is never unavoidable or "inevitable".

Faerie definitions


a small being, human in form, playful and having magical powers

See also: fairy faery sprite


the enchanted realm of fairies

See also: fairyland faery