Failing in a sentence as a noun

* Are you going to get ridiculed for failing?

2+ years on I'm still failing to see traction in the SE sites beyond SO.

That's fine, but it's not a failing on his part that he didn't write the post you wanted him to write.

I write this so you can angrily tell me that I'm wrong: tell me what's so bad about a tech startup failing in 2012?

Companies were failing with no product, spending 1 year + and not even launching.

At the time there was loads of news about the F-35 failing the acquisition and it even made it into Aviation week.

Failing in a sentence as an adjective

Unfortunately, as the article mentions the rich in India - to a great extent - are failing at this.

Choosing Ember over Backbone isn't going to cause your project to fail; building the wrong thing or failing to finish, however, will.

Random, seemingly unrelated application starts failing or angry customer calls wondering why some feature is no longer available.

By plagiarizing papers and programs, students completely miss the point of the exercise -- to learn to think!Indian colleges are by and large failing this primary responsibility of education, and their students suffer as a result.

It can take months of experience to figure out "oh, this API is failing to correlate chargebacks in these specific circumstances, but I can work around the issue like this" or to learn what all the different kinds of error messages that a user can end up seeing so you can provide support.

In particular, the handoff between guest accounts and "real" trial accounts is of paramount importance to my business but is meaningless to customers who have guest accounts until they get to school, at which point they will often discover, to their surprise, that failing to make the decision yesterday to give me their email address now means their cards are totally inaccessible.

Failing definitions


a flaw or weak point; "he was quick to point out his wife's failings"

See also: weakness


failure to reach a minimum required performance; "his failing the course led to his disqualification"; "he got two flunks on his report"

See also: flunk


below acceptable in performance; "received failing grades"