Flunk in a sentence as a noun

"Give the ones who cheated A's and flunk the rest.

> Will Color flunk spectacularly?One can only hope.

Many who could graduate engineering with honours would flunk out of an arts program, and vice versa.

Demand higher achievement, and don't let a kid just flunk and walk away; make them re-take, make them realize the importance.

Flunk in a sentence as a verb

Maybe they would lose marks on the Gym Short/undershirt thing - but they wouldn't automatically flunk out the interview.

Those people who expended that much effort going to college only to flunk out could have expended that same effort doing something else.

Becoming a 5%'er is like learning to ski at a hill populated by daredevil experts who suck at teaching and instructors who only get paid if you flunk their class and have to take it again.

Flunk definitions


failure to reach a minimum required performance; "his failing the course led to his disqualification"; "he got two flunks on his report"

See also: failing


fail to get a passing grade; "She studied hard but failed nevertheless"; "Did I fail the test?"

See also: fail bomb