Extant in a sentence as an adjective

I suspect it has been extant for as long as Instagram itself.

Vast resources are extant teaching founders how startups work.

If this is the case, to what extant can this action be attributed to Anonymous?

No hadoop, no redis, memcached was just getting released and had extant issues.

They will almost certainly take the form of the extant Vuzix goggles or the Lumus glasses, both of which are almost market-ready.

The problem wasn't really lack of testing, unless you expect these devs to test their app on every extant Android device and all future devices as well.

I can't stress this enough: burying an extant report while providing the underlying data does not fulfill a prosecutor's obligation.

In a case such as this, the creditor may be estopped from relying on their legal right to repayment, as the creditor has represented that he no longer treats the debt as extant.

Social networking is about one's social network, and when people already had extant social networks, they were extremely anxious to port those networks over.

I respect the vapor-ware MS Surface far more than the extant Samsung Galaxy simply because at least Microsoft is trying to innovate, even if they seem to have a rough time of it.

If I understand it correctly, the government has publicly acknowledged the program and tried to explain how it's "limited and legal," but extant nonetheless.

I've only been glacing here and there, but I keep seeing discussion of uploading ones private key to keybase being an actual mechanism that is supported / encouraged / extant ?Surely not...

I want to see the whole place terraformed and I can't imagine that we'd be so successful in our lifetimes that we'd wipe out whatever scientifically interesting traces of extant Martian flora there are. Whether or not there was life on Mars is a fascinating question, but I think the more important one is when will we expand life on Mars?

Extant definitions


still in existence; not extinct or destroyed or lost; "extant manuscripts"; "specimens of graphic art found among extant barbaric folk"- Edward Clodd