Flora in a sentence as a noun

Would be a **** of a project to do flora studies.

I can't access the full text, but it claims that many skin flora are mutalistic.

The dress did have extra room in the top, so the battery pack and flora were able to be installed there.

Humans have evolved in symbiosis with our gut flora.

Again, a single serving of yogurt isn't going to have an appreciable effect on your gut flora.

It really depends on the bacterial flora present in the container.

The complex flora in their digestive systems often creates gaseous environments that don't often have a good way to escape.

It was found that if you visit, say, a forest, and take inventory of its flora and fauna, then come back 70 years later, the picture will be completely different.

This write up also only implicates saccharin in the harmful alterations of the gut flora, not other sweeteners.

It seems reasonable to suspect that molecules fermented by / consumed by gut bacteria could have some effect on flora composition.

Perhaps we could blend it with Gate's new toilet initiative, press this button if you're you willing to enter a survey of gut flora and a chance to win an Amazon Gift card!

In retrospect I think the collider would have been a better investment than the ISS because it would have yielded science that has game changing potential for us as a species and more science that we can use. I'd rather understand what we're made of than know how flora and fauna behave in orbital space.

When the mice were kept separate, the mice that had received gut flora from a fat human twin ended up 10-15% heavier even on the identical low-fat diet as the mice that received flora from a thin human.

I think in many ways, factories were the prototype for the "Internet of Things".This story, while interesting, is about flora and should have been much shorter for the amount of information conveyed.

I want to see the whole place terraformed and I can't imagine that we'd be so successful in our lifetimes that we'd wipe out whatever scientifically interesting traces of extant Martian flora there are. Whether or not there was life on Mars is a fascinating question, but I think the more important one is when will we expand life on Mars?

Flora definitions


all the plant life in a particular region or period; "Pleistocene vegetation"; "the flora of southern California"; "the botany of China"

See also: vegetation botany


(botany) a living organism lacking the power of locomotion

See also: plant