Exponent in a sentence as a noun

If the exponent isn't growing, it is not exponential growth.

This is nothing new, except for varying the exponent, which indeed I had not seen before.

Conversely, 56 signed bits allows the largest integer power of 10 as 10 000 000 000 000 000 so the exponent will be -15.

Here's the most astounding part to me: "[Rubin Xu] decided to use Coppersmith's Attack[1] to derive the private exponent.

Lodsys is nothing but an exponent of a broken system large companies themselves created and are now sustaining.

The smallest significand possible is 1x10^1, but you can't delve further into positive exponents.

Also, shifting can cause a least-significant 1 bit from the exponent to shift down into the most significant bit of the mantissa.

They want to allow fast "addition with equal exponents" in a single cycle and that requires a zero value for each possible exponent.

Sure, maybe I had a baby version where I could use them in well-defined ways, but I had a subconscious fear of i appearing as a base and/or exponent.

“When will the world’s supply of oil be exhausted?” asked the MIT economist Morris Adelman, perhaps the most important exponent of this view.

Use maximum likelihood to estimate the scaling exponent.

Exponent definitions


a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea

See also: advocate advocator proponent


someone who expounds and interprets or explains


a mathematical notation indicating the number of times a quantity is multiplied by itself

See also: power index