Integer in a sentence as a noun

When and where one integer type will be converted to another.

Two timezones that differ, will differ by an integer number of hours.

The problem is that strstr returns a pointer, and converting a pointer to a smaller integer type throws away the high bytes.

I then googled for the partition of, say, 1034, which is: 91363785902248291467082481888195 I figured that chances are that no website will have that integer on there by accident.

A variant of this is to publicly display the logarithm of the score rounded up to an integer, maybe even as a number of stars.

We might see an improvement to integer factorization soon, but I seriously doubt these tricks will be in its origin.

The DSP code will make use of a mix of integer and floating point resources, while the compiler will probably not need to use the floating point units at all.

How do you decompose the integers into polynomials?

These much smaller integer multiplications are handled recursively.

Which choice gives the best complexity?The improvements to integer multiplication published in the last few decades have basically been tightened analyses of such tradeoffs.

We then use Bluestein's chirp transform to convert each short transform into a polynomial multiplication problem over C, and finally convert back to integer multiplication via Kronecker substitution.

Well, bitmap is the common terminology for this data structure, but I prefer to think of it as a binary set: you have a bunch of bits in RAM, and a 1 bit at some integer index indicates that the index is in the set, and a 0 bit indicates that it isn't.

For instance, simplicity is defined in terms of brevity & terseness but the example used to prove the point is that Eiffel requires "character" and "integer" whereas C only requires "char" and "int".For an alternative point of view on what constitutes "brevity" and "simplicity", see the common C idioms for filtering or mapping any variable sized data structure.

Integer definitions


any of the natural numbers (positive or negative) or zero; "an integer is a number that is not a fraction"