Delve in a sentence as a verb

Too bad the CNN article doesn't delve into these details.

And most current models of this type don't delve into 3D simulation.

You think we don't delve full-bore into the psyches of those for whom we've made appointments to converse?

It was very hard stuff, and required that I delve into a lot of deep math that was way beyond me at 15 going on 16.

The only part I missed was that I didn't delve deep enough to really use the macros to their fullest extent.

You don't need to delve into the interaction space to understand why or how or process or progress.

"The recommendations singled out by the article go beyond these rules to delve into opinions about CSS best practices.

At least for me it really meshed with my own quest to further delve into the mix of social and technical issues around software development.

It's a disconcerting feeling when you delve - something akin to turning off a chunk of rational thought, and letting the answers emerge from somewhere in my visual memory/thought processes.

Delve definitions


turn up, loosen, or remove earth; "Dig we must"; "turn over the soil for aeration"