Excited in a sentence as an adjective

"Yey us. :D We're super excited to announce we got acquired.

"Slava is a deep thinker, which makes me very excited to take a look at RethinkDB.

Jacob and I love seeing people as excited about the future of Bootstrap as us.

I feel like I'm a different species when I hear someone excited about working 80+ hours a week.

I remember being excited when Larry Tessler was hired, and dismayed at the way he was treated.

But you can't deny there is something to front-end frameworks like Bootstrap, and that's what we're excited about.

In both spaces we get periodic design documents and slide ware that look really cool and get everyone all excited.

I imagine they have spent many iterations on the problem, and I am very excited to see the fruits of their labor.

I was honestly excited to see how Tesla S card would fare in cold weather, and how the Tesla engineers got around this problem.

I'll miss the way he got up there each and every time like he was selling you your own personal Jesus in a box. Not out of hucksterism, but because he really was that excited to share what he and his people had been working on.

The four of us have been working very hard on this for the last six months, and we're excited to finally take the wraps off. Can't wait to hear what you think!We've got a lot more stuff coming over the next few months, and if there are particular things you'd like us to do/prioritize, I'd love to hear about them!

Heres why this is awesome: - The name Unity finally makes perfect sense - Phone can expand into a tablet can expand into a desktop - larger form factor can run smaller form factor apps - app switcher is slick - Canonical finally learned how to use all the ********* motivational words that apple uses to inspire people - OS level tie ins to social services - Still open source I'm excited to use it, and I'm excited to help.

Excited definitions


(of persons) excessively affected by emotion; "he would become emotional over nothing at all"; "she was worked up about all the noise"

See also: aroused emotional


in an aroused state


marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion; "a crowd of delirious baseball fans"; "something frantic in their gaiety"; "a mad whirl of pleasure"

See also: delirious frantic unrestrained


(of e.g. a molecule) made reactive or more reactive

See also: activated