Delirious in a sentence as an adjective

" Which strikes me as delirious thinking at best.

But when you're that delirious, I can't help but think even having that thought in your mind would cause more harm than good.

Dali did this, but to put himself into the creative delirious state you're in right when you wake up in a daze.

You are delirious if you think C is "infrequently" complained about.

I related all this to him as we drove, and what with the blood dripping from various places, i suspect he thought i was delirious.

This triggered the kind of delirious laugh that only 11 hours of billable programming time could enable

Double thanks if you're one of the kind souls who shields delirious coders from having to communicate with stakeholders.

It became so bad, that he became delirious, and started hallucinating about some people being present when he was alone.

By delirious, I'm talking about shady gradients anyways, I've never had more than sweating dreams where nothing makes sense.

Regardless of what you do people who are bleeding out in the middle of a street or who are delirious from fever won't be acting with price sensitivity.

[2] I'm just trying to correct some of these misconceptions so someone doesn't read it and think that being delirious is completely normal and you should try to lose even more fluids.

Too much work with hedonics and you may become delirious - believing that everything can be quantified if you just tinker with the model long enough...

They are now covering these proceedings as a soap-opera in which he's a delirious dostoevskjian character running like a headless chicken.

The crux of the story should be XML-RPC and it's delirious security model, not some half-assed contemporary messaging service company.

You said "delirious", which is an actual, serious medical condition associated with high fever and dehydration.

Delirious definitions


experiencing delirium

See also: hallucinating


marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion; "a crowd of delirious baseball fans"; "something frantic in their gaiety"; "a mad whirl of pleasure"

See also: excited frantic unrestrained