Estrus in a sentence as a noun

When in estrus they mate with as many males in the group as possible to confuse the paternity.

If a drug affects the estrus cycle, or was affected by the estrus cycle, wouldn't women want to know about that?

Or seeing the same thing the other way around: hidden estrus was evolved in order to get more for lessSchroder, Inge.

Coyotes can identify specific individuals by voice, and if one of those voices disappears from the nightly call it causes the females to enter estrus and breed.

There had been calls for a long time to include female rats in research, but the rodent estrus cycle is very difficult to deal with and control for, hence female absence from most rat studies.

By administering exogenous hormones, producers can control and synchronize estrus in breeding heifers and cows as well as shorten their estrous cycles.

This confers further social advantages, but only could have evolved to fixation if the sexual-selection advantage of applying a "proximity during estrus" filter was completely outmoded/obviated by miscarriage.

[citation needed] However, with the exception of the short-finned pilot whale, killer whale, narwhals, and beluga whales,[151] such examples tend to be from captive individuals, and thus they are not necessarily representative of what happens in natural populations in the wild.> Dogs do not experience menopause; the canine estrus cycle simply becomes irregular and infrequent.

Estrus definitions


applies to nonhuman mammals: a state or period of heightened sexual arousal and activity

See also: oestrus heat