Envious in a sentence as an adjective

I'm envious of the quality of your reading material if you haven't read anything dumber in months.

You don't have to be all that envious of the capability to offer this particular one. As pointed out by many people here, it is rebranded term life insurance, and dirt cheap for the typical HNer.

The prevailing desktop environments, however, are envious of OS X and want their software to see the glory; they want to be cool, they want to be desired, they want the fame.

Tl;dr: be homeschool, have academically well-connected parentsAnd yes I am envious.

There's no reason to assume the men had it right, that being willing to sell your soul for the corporate machine is envious or desirable or worthwhile.> "Other women ... are the worst about it.

I'm not really envious, but I know that I would be much further along towards my goals if I didn't have to work my *** off to get to somewhere in life where I can even afford to take a risk.

Similarly, everyone that's said so far that this has not been handled as gracefully as it could have been, and that there might be something we could all learn from that, should not be dismissed as just being envious of another company.

Who wouldn't be envious of such incredible, valuable, and morally-neutral abilities as he described them?I've read the letter several times over, and I'm still amazed at how effective it is at garnering empathy from the reader and cultivating a sense that the author is an impressive individual who has triumphed over adversity after a great struggle.

Envious definitions


showing extreme cupidity; painfully desirous of another's advantages; "he was never covetous before he met her"; "jealous of his success and covetous of his possessions"; "envious of their art collection"

See also: covetous jealous