Jealous in a sentence as an adjective

My Mom would say "Oh honey, they are just jealous.

They are jealous that you are getting attention instead of them.

\n- They might be jealous of people who might be younger and far more successful/high achievers then them.

Now he's complainting that Google is the biggest source of piracy in the world - because he's jealous.

Some are jealous and quick to anger, and others are inhumanly patient.

Maybe getting jealous because they see it as a path to riches and have been reading about to many outliers.

I know that in part because I was an abused child and I spent a lot of years feeling angry and jealous and invisibly left out and so on.

" Which, while I'm sure she meant well, didn't really help me with how these "jealous" kids seem to be looked up to by others and I seemed to be looked down upon by them.

Yet nobody is suggesting any bitterness or jealousy... So who exactly is this directed at?

This is one of those cases where I'm not a bit jealous because something so obvious or inane or dumb took off and became Twitter, but because it's just so damn fantastic.

You can worry all the time that she's got lots of suitors and you can destroy your relationship by being jealous of all kinds of things that you imagine might happen or are happening.

It's an incredible piece of writing, and incredibly persuasive and manipulative in a way that I'm sure PR and marketing teams everywhere would be jealous of.

Because when the other companies become jealous and try and come up with their own versions, they'll rush and release something half-baked, and out of the confusion only Apple's solution will speak to consumers.

Jealous definitions


showing extreme cupidity; painfully desirous of another's advantages; "he was never covetous before he met her"; "jealous of his success and covetous of his possessions"; "envious of their art collection"

See also: covetous envious


suspicious or unduly suspicious or fearful of being displaced by a rival; "a jealous lover"

See also: green-eyed overjealous