Enlightening in a sentence as an adjective

When I first learned Python, it was enlightening. Here was a language that says, "This is the right way to do it".

The later explanations are more enlightening but I still dont get what this app does.

Your comment is not enlightening. It is not insightful.

Not sure that would have been as enlightening as you think. They worked together on the Apple II, not the Mac. And the 6502 boxes were all Woz on the inside.

That may sometimes be true, but it's never conducive to enlightening discussion.

I don't expect that the responses to this will be enlightening. In fact, I can predict right now that the winner of this poll will be the most commonly-used language which isn't widely considered to be "nice".

It's enlightening for me to read accounts about how others live their lives and derive happiness from simple pleasures. Breathing fresh air, enjoying the company of others, eating food that you've grown.

In some cases ScienceDaily's copy is distinctly worse than the original because it lacks relevant links, enlightening pictures, etc." .

At Disqus, we brought him in for a few weeks of contract work, and watching him clean up the mess we'd made was perhaps the most programmatically-enlightening part of my career so far.

I just graduated last night, but this doesn't feel terribly enlightening to me. I don't know if I didn't have the typical college experience or if people like the author just tend to be more vocal about their experience because those in my position had a less rosy view of the whole thing.

It was an excellent article, very sympathetic to the Ruby community, well-informed and enlightening, and I'm sorry to see that your comments here have caused others "not to read" it. Annie Lowery did a lot of hard work -- she learned to program as part of the research for crying out loud!

Tangentially, I strongly recommend the book _Albion's Seed_, which traces American culture to four different subcultures prominent in England in the 1500s - quite enlightening.

Watching him was at the same time entertaining and enlightening, and more, and I definitely wasn't the only person to deeply enjoy what he was doing... When he disappeared people went to no end to recover his works.

Eventually, dealing with a foreign language and strange people can be quite enlightening, if you treat the exercise as a means of rejuvenating your ability to respect the peace and quiet you'll get, at least for the first year. I've done it a couple times now, having no real affinity with national identity, but I sure do love the cooking and language I've managed to collect.

The one enlightening experience I had in the 2009ish timeframe is how incredibly easy it is to contribute valuable information to OSM. Intuitively I would have assumed that this would be really difficult to do, but the tools OSM provides for editing are actually quite easy to use even for people with no clue like myself. You don't even require accurate GPS hardware or anything.

For the next ~7 years, I pretty much used nothing but emacs, and it was enlightening to work with text in the emacs concept, and to witness emacs' implementation of its concepts, and all the excellent modes that authors developed within its framework. Fast-forward to about 4 months ago, and I thought: "My vi-fu isn't at the level of my emacs-fu", so I gave myself an 8 week challenge...

Instead she fought the problem in its own arena by making a IRC-bot to combat the problem, and not only that: the IRC-bot is only selectively used in the exact situation that is seen as problematic and it does so by writing enlightening quotes! In mathematical terms: the function has the exact same range and its value is consistently higher in the absolute majority of all cases.

Sometimes opinions are just opinions, sometimes anecdotes are enlightening, and sometimes generalizations, metaphors, analogies and other abstractions come into play.

It was even more enlightening when the presenter told stories about the problems that machine learning can't solve - like people within the company being bribed to whitelist spam companies based in Vegas. On the surface it's such a simple problem, and I'm sure anyone who's tried to prevent their web application's outgoing mail being marked as spam by the evil corporations of Yahoo and Google will have had the desire to go write a blog post saying what a crock of **** the whole thing is and how they would never take part in that.

It would, perhaps, be enlightening to quote the entire sentence from the US Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Enlightening definitions


tending to increase knowledge or dissipate ignorance; "an enlightening glimpse of government in action"; "an illuminating lecture"

See also: informative illuminating


enlightening or uplifting so as to encourage intellectual or moral improvement; "the paintings in the church served an edifying purpose even for those who could not read"

See also: edifying