Educator in a sentence as a noun

* Tools that both educators and students can use.

I guess she feels that a purpose of lead role on a project is one of educator.

Neil is an amazing speaker and educator on science.

No need to infer that cletus believes he is a more thoughtful educator than people who spend their careers on it.

You're a great programmer and now, author/educator Zed, but seriously man.

A calendar that syncs, has proper access control, is central to your school, and free, saves educators a lot of hassle.

Also for a educator in the classroom, it's easy to understand that refreshing the page will fix the problem 90% of the time.

I'm not an educator and I don't think of myself as a good writer either, but when I look around, I believe that I'm above average.

As you pointed out:>The first rule of any educator is to never, under any circumstances, make someone feel inept.

It's the educator's job to create a safe space for, you know, education--for every student in the class, not just the privileged majority.

* Able to be simple enough for any educator to use and maintain, but also have enough features to add value as a educational tool.

Is it not your job as an educator to make sure those who put in the most effort and demonstrate the highest level of achievement are awarded grades accordingly?

Having heavily worked with educators/as an educator has led me to believe that when someone complains that "kids can't X", it's more often than not their own shortcomings than the "kids'".

Consequently a lot of the core features of the offering are targeted specifically at educators:* Strong central administrative control.

This is the magic quote: "Now, educators in Wisconsin are offering a possible solution by decoupling the learning part of education from student assessment and degree-granting.

Educator definitions


someone who educates young people

See also: pedagogue pedagog