Triceps in a sentence as a noun

If you feel you need to use your triceps, buy olympic rings and do dips on them.

If you have an "arms day" and a "chest day" then you're hitting your triceps twice, for example.

He meant for example what data points would the phone use to know you're working out your triceps?

If the only muscle groups that get worked out are your pecs and triceps, you're probably not doing them right.

OHP/BP would benefit from some extra triceps attention.

Try clapping pushups or handstand pushups or an iron cross to work your deltoids, pecs and triceps.

The result was an onverdeveloped chest, and triceps, while the rest was just more regular looking.

We want to isolate and push these in intervals the same way a body builder might his triceps with isolation and reps.

The biceps and the triceps work against each other and unless you can properly relax the countering muscle your intentions will be dampened.

Read the description of the folks that invaded one person's private speakeasy gym: "gym bros" who were described as "grunting and using all the equipment, taking selfies in the mirror, flexing their triceps".

Triceps definitions


any skeletal muscle having three origins (but especially the triceps brachii)