Infer in a sentence as a verb

When enough bits get flipped, one can infer a nuclear event.

"This is from his book The God Delusion, which I infer that you haven't read.

Don't assume that you can infer [non]existence of family relations from their names.

You can infer some amazing things from simple metadata.

It's true that in some cases a will-change can be inferred from the style sheet but there are still too many changes triggered from JS events.

Besides, they need to take a looksie at it first to infer information about your shopping habits...

You wont lose any performance by not using will-change and we will continue improving how we infer them.

So it would automatically realize that the function called the close method, and infer the appropriate type.

But it's not like these results are as reproducible as they infer without significant connections.

The first is that in general, type inference for higher-rank polymorphism is undecidable.

What next, are you going to suggest that parents name their children gender neutral names so they don't have to chaff at it if they change gender? You can infer everything, from anything if you try.

In addition, most available studies are ecologic in design, limiting the ability to infer causality.

In response all loan requirements and interest rates rise for everybodySecondly, it ***** up the negotiations, because would-be buyers can infer something when the creditor doesn't snap up their own debt:1.

You take capitalist ownership structures, which exist for the hopeful progress of society at large, but you infer an ought from them, that the only thing that is fair is that ownership is absolute in control over what it owns.

>Because while he was playing his little game, to "prove" that police profile peopleI infer from your belittling description of his activities as his "little game" and putting "prove" in skeptical quotes that you don't see the value in this particular piece of journalism and aren't swayed by the evidence presented therein.

The locker-room atmosphere that stuff like this creates is a huge barrier to entry for a lot of people, women especially, who infer that on top of all the technically difficult stuff that everyone has to learn to be CS types, they'll also have to deal with a constant barrage of "you're not our kind" flung at them by the in-group.

Infer definitions


reason by deduction; establish by deduction

See also: deduce deduct derive


draw from specific cases for more general cases

See also: generalize generalise extrapolate


conclude by reasoning; in logic

See also: deduce


guess correctly; solve by guessing; "He guessed the right number of beans in the jar and won the prize"

See also: guess


believe to be the case; "I understand you have no previous experience?"

See also: understand