Adherent in a sentence as a noun

It should be pointed out that he later left the NOI and became an adherent to mainstream Islam.

I can't how many times I've encountered the dogmatic TDD adherent.

The 11% who were non-adherent could have been eating unhealthy diets which contributed to their instances of CAD.

Again I'm not a buddhist adherent, but I think the general idea is that life is a constant struggle and it's how you view and react to that struggle that will define your life.

I don't think the bulk of Obama's base have a problem with the status quo circa 1995, or ever did, regardless of what adherent civil libertarians might have hoped.

A complete atheist would be best able to run a church software business dispassionately, but wouldn't grasp the problem domain as well as an adherent of the faith.

Adherent in a sentence as an adjective

If you were truly such an adherent to the Turing completeness trap then I would be a sad panda without the clear expressivity gains that Underscore and Coffeescript provide.

His evolution from brutalized child, to street criminal, to inmate, to adherent, to individual enlightenment is something we would all be lucky to experience.

Yes, there are lots of things we have that aren't in the Constitution, but not even the most adherent textualist thinks you can find everything you need to structure a government within the four corners of a 10-page document.

It's not like the benefits of vegetarianism all arrive the following day - I would have thought there'd likely be a few more in the adherents group that had an event while they were still 'in transition'.It may all very well be true, but it does smell a little funny.

I hope that Steve Jobs, who happily credited himself as an openly adherent member and ambassador of the counterculture that fought for ideas like this to be acceptable in a then over-conservative society, is rightfully turning in his grave.

Adherent definitions


someone who believes and helps to spread the doctrine of another

See also: disciple


sticking fast