Dogmatism in a sentence as a noun

It's worth pointing out though that dogmatism around not using SHA-1 is misplaced.

" I think the spirit of it is to try and discourage outright dogmatism.

Why argue with dogmatism?As evidence for the dogmatism of this belief, look no further than your own comment.

That would also be an appropriate use of the word "skepticism" as opposed to the dogmatism that calls itself by that name these days.

It is at best bad science and thinly veiled political and religious dogmatism, and at best a celebration of ignorance.

It's fair to point out that Debian's interpretation doesn't seem to be very widely held outside the project, but believing "we should obey the law" doesn't count as dogmatism.

Tangential: One of my favorite pieces about simplicity, laziness, dogmatism and getting things done is from Mark Jason Dominus[1].

The irony of what's happening here, that dogmatism about a belief is causing an inferior solution to be usedHow is that irony?

Is there any particular reason you prefer dogmatism to pragmatism in choosing your Linux distribution?

I've wondered if the declining arc of Card's writing is connected to his apparently increasing narrowness, rigidity and dogmatism in general.

" To call everyone participating in civil discourse in this thread as merely "the excusers" is an admission of dogmatism, regardless of your statement of "having already read of all the comments in this thread".

The irony of what's happening here, that dogmatism about a belief is causing an inferior solution to be used, is infuriating and one of the reasons people have such a problem with dogmatic personalities like rms.

So if you can show them that you can accommodate their needs quickly and without the usual obstructionism, technology dogmatism and nickel-and-dime-ing practices of BigSoftwareCo, there's definitely an opportunity to build a great relationship.

Dogmatism definitions


the intolerance and prejudice of a bigot

See also: bigotry