Bigotry in a sentence as a noun

Time for the bigotry test:Lets reverse the genders.

"The bigotry from this community when it comes to PHP has left me sick to my stomach.

It goes along with the "soft bigotry of low expectations".

I understand what you're saying, but it's not bigotry if the "stereotype" is true.

Regardless of knowledge, the world will still be filled with misery, poverty, death, bigotry, and fear.

As an atheist, I think it's pretty clear from your post that hatred and bigotry is alive and well outside of religion.

I'm afraid this says more about the bigotry of the jury members toward Californians than it does about the case.

You can do this without resorting to bigotry and pointing out things that make people uncomfortable does not have to be bigotry.

But even the largest heap of banal evil in the known universe can be dealt with without unnecessary bigotry.

It is often through introspection and art that we can gain a better understanding of our fellow humans, that we can set aside hatred and bigotry.

But for a while now the term has mostly only been used as an ingredient of the defensive protestations of people who get called out for displays of bigotry.

It makes all the sense when you consider the possibility that she might be a person that specifically collects even the smallest pieces of evidence to support her theories of sexism and bigotry in the workplace.

This is controversial but it is my personal experience: As a non-white, living in Germany is hard; the level of bigotry and racism in my opinion makes the nuisance of the US visa system negligible.

Bigotry definitions


the intolerance and prejudice of a bigot

See also: dogmatism