Divinity in a sentence as a noun

No school of divinity?drops monocle from eye in shock

He was not a believer in creation or divinity.

So God chose to rectify this in a way that demonstrated not only His divinity, but _perfect humanity_.

When they leave, they're going blast my business for not recognizing their genius/value/divinity earlier?

I vehemently disagree with it being equivalent to an appeal to divinity.

I understand the conundrum that he should/could have lead to the conclusion about atheism or at least about rational doubts in divinity.

I dislike Facebook and the New Republic for the same reasons: they're both run by apparent sociopaths and each claims a mantle of semi-divinity.

Bruno was also executed for, among other things, denying the divinity of Jesus and the virginity of Mary, not any of his pseudo-science.

Sure, if you have an invented set of ideological morality that is blessed with divinity, it's easy to believe in absolute morality.

Not trying to "the true messiah denies his divinity" the discussion, but the statement is entirely consistent with a state of affairs where Apple had been served with or complied with warrants.

They're eminently unfalsifiable, and shouldn't be given any more credence than a typical appeal to divinity.

It is indeed interesting how each of the religions confirms the divinity and the truth of its predecessors and how their adherents fail to recognize the posterior prophets.

Yet the moral rights argument requires picking out one act of creation, conferring divinity upon it, and pretending there are no rival divinities that could possibly conflict with its solitary status.

In fact when you start poking around various deities it gets incredibly uncomfortable for the religious because of how little evidence there is for historicity of say Jesus let alone his presumed divinity.

However, the question of the existence of Jesus as a historical figure should be distinguished from discussions about the historicity of specific episodes in the gospels, the chronology they present, or theological issues regarding his divinity.

I heard a couple of priests-***-public-atheists on the radio, saying that when they did their doctorates in divinity, where you learn a **** of a lot more of the history and politics of christianity, the running joke was "if you still believe in a god after learning all that, it just shows you weren't listening"

Divinity definitions


any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force

See also: deity immortal


the quality of being divine; "ancient Egyptians believed in the divinity of the Pharaohs"


white creamy fudge made with egg whites


the rational and systematic study of religion and its influences and of the nature of religious truth

See also: theology