Chronology in a sentence as a noun

Let me give you a quick chronology of what happened.

It is just a chronology of events designed to show off their hipster muscles.

As he wrote this, PG asked me if I remembered the chronology of certain things and it was very hard.

My position would be that I would rather throw out the timestamp chronology than abandon rebase.

I was a much bigger fan of Garry Kasparov before I found out he was a follower of the "new chronology" psuedohistory.

A cornerstone of writing any kind of history is establishing an accurate chronology of events.

However, the question of the existence of Jesus as a historical figure should be distinguished from discussions about the historicity of specific episodes in the gospels, the chronology they present, or theological issues regarding his divinity.

Chronology definitions


an arrangement of events in time


a record of events in the order of their occurrence


the determination of the actual temporal sequence of past events