Deity in a sentence as a noun

Sure, and pick up deity status too, ya know, just in case.

I won't lie Maps, and Translate are amazing services but hardly worth deity status.

The problem with Pascal's Wager is that it does not give a way to determine which deity to believe in.

"I am a deity destined to succeed" is a belief held too often by people who have early success in their lives.

For example even though logically as an athiest i knew morals don't come from a deity the number of assumptions and thought paths I had ... Uh..

While belief in a magical all-powerful and caring government is no different than a belief in deity.

It had less to do with disagreements about true, deep belief in an all powerful deity and more about saying "we are not part of the team" and being tarnished by admitting such.

They seem overly obsessed with Google, and are insanely sensitive should you bring the topic up, or deity of choice forbid, you actually develop on a Google platform.

"-- Stan Kelly-BootleSecond: "belief in a higher power" is a very vague statement and in no way implies worship of a creator deity, and even less: religion.

One cannot help but be assaulted by the image of their most beloved deity or earthly representative engaged in all manner of despicable behaviour.

Not strictly grammatically wrong, but it's painful to make sense of.> Two ellipses in one sentence?Also not a grammatical error.> The phrase is "the be all and end all" or "the be-all and end-all".Says who, the great deity of idioms?

I've just been re-reading How to get rich by Felix Dennis and this quote springs to mind:> But a public company exists only to boost its share price, and its share price is determined, incredibly enough, by 'analysts' - spotty-faced youths who live on another planet where growth-at-any-price is the only deity one is encouraged to worship.

Deity definitions


any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force

See also: divinity immortal