Discursive in a sentence as an adjective

He's very discursive, and he rewards long attention spans.

That's the route that the open-minded, discursive engineer will take.

Generates so much discursive noise and adds nothing to the subject of the article.

OT: Holy **** - 'discursive' is the first non-jargon word I've seen in nearly 10 years that's unfamiliar to me. Thanks for that!

Adjusting for casual conflation near those concepts is easy in most discursive domains.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge had a mind that was free, discursive, unruly and truly original.

Without agreeing that journalists are more credible than bloggers, I think the discursive intent of that correction seems to be jibing at her social status.

There exists a spectrum of opinion on whether "we" as a discursive device meaning "us white and Asian guys, you know, the tech industry" is a win in this circumstance.

They have continued to be modified and refined by the deliberate application of thought, particularly the kind of insightful, discursive thought that programming language design calls for.

My understanding is that attempts will be made to algorithmically promote diversity and to reward/punish social behaviors in such as way as to discourage discursive protectionism.

The pattern of 'direct discursive activity elsewhere rather than suppress', as exhibited by a secondary less-moderated forum like MetaTalk, is a tactic I believe is underused.

With regards to valuation, I was joking -- the discursive market for it was the "angels weep" wordplay but it belatedly occurs to me that for people whose primary association with the term "angel" is "angel investor" that is less obviously intended to be a joke than it is with the rest of us.

Discursive definitions


proceeding to a conclusion by reason or argument rather than intuition

See also: dianoetic


(of e.g. speech and writing) tending to depart from the main point or cover a wide range of subjects; "amusingly digressive with satirical thrusts at women's fashions among other things"; "a rambling discursive book"; "his excursive remarks"; "a rambling speech about this and that"

See also: digressive excursive rambling