Diarrhoea in a sentence as a noun

You get diarrhoea after eating too many fruits because of this.

There was no reason to post that verbal diarrhoea and I'm just not taking it like a doormat, and that bothers you.

Stopped reading at this collection of mental diarrhoea.

I suspect it only means my gut flora is better at dealing with it, so I just get a bit of gas instead of diarrhoea.

Strange inmunosupresion, diarrhoea, pain in the mouths and guts and problems with breathing.

I still don't see how the fear adds up when compared to millions of children dying from diarrhoea, except that these are things most people think they can't get / won't die from.

The most common of these side effects were diarrhoea and bowel inflammation...Side effects of the ***** were also a considerable problem.

He began to deteriorate rapidly with diarrhoea and madness.

Diarrhoea definitions


frequent and watery bowel movements; can be a symptom of infection or food poisoning or colitis or a gastrointestinal tumor

See also: diarrhea looseness