Diarrhea in a sentence as a noun

Do you stop eating for a day when your friend has diarrhea from a meal 12 hours earlier?

Yeah but we are also much less likely to die at 6 months due to chronic diarrhea caused by cholera.

But it's much harder to combat diarrhea because of both the varied nature of its cause/transmission and a lack of clean drinking water.

In the meantime, Gram Vikas collects data every month on who has gone to the health center to get treated for malaria or diarrhea.

For six weeks, I didn't sleep more than two hours at a time, had constant chills and diarrhea, couldn't really eat, ached everywhere, and had non-stop restless muscles.

Or did you really plan on taking a **** on the side of the freeway?Does everyone on HN get explosive projectile diarrhea every time they step outside?

"In the developing world, 24,000 children under the age of five die every day from preventable causes like diarrhea contracted from unclean water.

******* stimulates the gut, it increases bowel activity, so obviously it would be a good treatment for constipation, but what could it do for diarrhea except make it worse?

They use it to treat gastrointestinal disturbances; specifically, for both diarrhea and constipation.

The effects are remarkable: Almost overnight, and for years into the future, the number of severe diarrhea cases falls by one-half, and the number of malaria cases falls by one-third.

It is estimated that by piping uncontaminated, chlorinated water to households, it is possible to reduce diarrhea by up to 95 percent.

"If that screen loses its effectiveness, you start to have to worry about every patient presenting with a fever and diarrhea, and the epidemiology becomes quite difficult.

"When children are well-nourished, fully vaccinated, and treated for common illnesses like diarrhea, malaria, and pneumonia, the future gets a lot more predictable.

Moreover, repeated bouts of diarrhea during childhood permanently impair both physical and cognitive development.

Where "enjoyable lifestyle" falls somewhere along the diarrhea spectrum from "chronic" to "intractable".It's unfortunate that people here will think I'm being glib with this comment, since diarrhea kills more people in the developing world every year than cancer does in the US.

And I'm not even sure what of seawater would be absorbed on an empty stomach...it's possible more salt than water would be absorbed, leading to diarrhea as water is left unabsorbed in the intestine, leading to dehydration from poor water absorption and poor salt excretion.

From the introduction proclaiming how readers will be stunned by how clearly and resoundingly true the revelation revealed within will be, to the literary diarrhea it's followed by... it's like a little kid proudly telling his parents he finally used the toilet properly only for them to find he completely missed the bowl.

Diarrhea definitions


frequent and watery bowel movements; can be a symptom of infection or food poisoning or colitis or a gastrointestinal tumor

See also: diarrhoea looseness